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stocks portfolio
Stock Counter Current Price Average Cost Invested Current Profit Profit (%) Dividend Total Dividend Yield on Cost Total ROI Total Current (%)
CapLand IntCom T C38U 2.12 1.924 33,296.74 36,688.72 3,391.98 10.19% 3,653.30 10.97% 7,045.28 121.16%
Frasers Cpt Tr J69U 2.21 2.169 26,028.00 26,520.00 492.00 1.89% 1,735.84 6.67% 2,227.84 108.56%
Kep Infra Tr A7RU 0.425 0.496 64,519.18 55,283.58 -9,235.61 -14.31% 17,551.46 27.20% 8,315.85 112.89%
Keppel DC Reit AJBU 2.18 1.787 30,379.00 37,060.00 6,681.00 21.99% 2,343.75 7.72% 9,024.75 129.71%
Mapletree Ind Tr ME8U 2.11 1.964 23,149.67 24,870.57 1,720.90 7.43% 2,808.03 12.13% 4,528.93 119.56%
NetLink NBN Tr CJLU 0.875 0.834 24,186.00 25,375.00 1,189.00 4.92% 1,802.75 7.45% 2,991.75 112.37%

Total Invested: 201,558.60
Current Value: 205,797.87
Current Value (%): 102.10%
Total Dividend: 33,196.42
Dividend Profit on Cost: 16.47%
Total Value: 238,994.29
Total Value(%): 118.57%

Last Updated 24 Mar 25

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